Slower moving than a Vinyasa yoga practice, but it can be challenging, stimulating, or soft, depending on the circumstances.
- Improve balance and core strength
- Relieve neck and back pain
- Strengthen flexibility
1. mountain
2. palm tree
3. chair
4. star
5. prayer
6. triangle
Vinyasa Yoga
Style of yoga characterized by stringing postures together so that you move from one to another, seamlessly, using breath.
- Endurance and strength training
- Stability and balance
- Cardio workout
1. mountain
2. cresent moon
3. forward bend
4. chair
5. side angle
6. warrior I
Iyengar Yoga
A form of hatha yoga that focuses on proper alignment and precise technique through slower movements and an emphasis on quality.
- Toned muscles
- Relieve neck and back pain
- Strengthen flexibility